Friday, August 2, 2013

Gilroy Garlic Festival

The pyro chefs of gourmet alley
I'm about to turn on the hometown pride, beware. Last weekend was the 35th Annual Gilroy Garlic Festival! My family is normally pretty involved in the festivities, but this year even more so. Not only was my mom a sous chef on the Garlic Cook-off stage, but her art won her 1st place in the official poster competition. A win and by a local, even better!
Mahi mahi lau lau
Her contestant on the cook-off stage made mahi mahi that was absolutely delicious. The perks of having family on the stage is getting plates sneaked to you off to the side. When we weren't cheering on mom or her contestant we were sampling the garlicky food and (now that I'm 21) getting into those beer gardens. A successful day at one of the most classic of food festivals. 
Mom's (Sheryl Cathers) winning poster

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