Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to the Northwest

The view from my apartment
It's been a long few days and I'm now back up in Seattle. We left Friday evening and arrived Saturday afternoon in what was a long and lightning filled drive. The about 2-4am stretch through Southern Oregon was during a pretty large storm that sporadically lit up the whole sky.

It was a nice drive with my dad and uncle. We drove through the night and stopped in Portland for breakfast before the final three hours to Seattle. We got lunch in our neighborhood before my drivers decided to start it all over again. I'm really happy to be back up here. The weather has been fantastic and I've been enjoying walking around seeing old favorites and discovering everything that has changed. But, the pressure is on now: to find a job! So that's what will be taking up the majority of my time for the foreseeable future. Allez, courage!


  1. So happy you're keeping this going into the Northwest! Good luck on the job search darling

  2. You are back?! Let's get coffee sometime soon and catch up. We can talk about how much we miss Europe and seem so pretentious to those around us!

    1. Definitely!! I'll send you a message on facebook
