Monday, March 11, 2013

Not just another week

Blue skies
The days pass entirely too quickly and I really can't believe we're almost half way through March. Ah. With this in mind, I've been trying to be more active and see and do much more. This Sunday I spent the day with my friend. I met her, her brother, and other assorted friends to go look at puppies (as I mentioned last time), which was a very fun time. I definitely miss having animals around. And then we hung out at her friends apartment, during which we played Trivial Pursuit (in French) and I somehow managed to win. Though, to be fair, I was given far too much pity and help to actually deserve the victory. And then I joined her and her family for dinner.

And today has been great, because I just got back from organizing my weekend trip. Where to this time? Rome. The Conclave is a once in a lifetime opportunity that we knew we couldn't miss out on. Live in Europe during it and not try to go? Not an option. We're hoping to maybe see some smoke from the chimney, and even if we don't, there's plenty to see and do. So that's happening this weekend and other than that, I'm busy with school work and enjoying the sun that's come to Grenoble.

Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut, which I'm hoping will not be a complete massacred failure. Last week I worked up the courage to call and schedule an appointment, searching out all the terms beforehand. I have a hard enough time getting hair dressers in the US to do what I want, so I'm hoping that my French will not fail me and I can clearly communicate with someone wielding scissors.

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