Sunday, December 9, 2012

Familiar Faces

Croissants from Boulangerie Malineau
I said au revoir to Josie today, after midday croissants under the Eiffel Tower. Close, convenient, and oh so delicious. I've spent the rest of my day relaxing, doing crosswords over the internet with my dad and trying to finish an essay for tomorrow. I also have to start thinking about leaving Paris, as I realized the other night that I'd be leaving for good in 2 weeks. It's amazing how the time has passed.

I had a minor victory this week that was so bittersweet. I've finally gotten to the point where the boulangerie that I frequent in my neighborhood has started to recognize me...of course only weeks before I leave. Friday afternoon, on my way from the métro station to my apartment, I popped in for a baguette, like every other day. And I successfully had my first actual exchange with the woman behind the counter (beyond "What do you want?" and "Is that all?").
Woman- "Bonjour! What would you like?"
Me-"Bonjour! One baguette please!"
"1euro30 please. Cold out huh? Do you think it will snow?"
"I don't know, but it did this morning for a bit. I hope so!"
"Me too! And if it does, I'll be waiting for you with a nice, big snowball!!"
She made the cutest gesture and an excited little face, miming her throwing a 'boule de neige.' It was a big day, finally being acknowledged in the boulangerie. I really don't know what I'm going to do without their bread.

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