Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Classes started yesterday, and they went surprisingly well. I was a little nervous since all my classes will be taught in French, but so far I've understood almost everything. Yesterday I started with my art history course. It was amazing, and my professor is lively and engaging and expressive. She almost reminds me of Edith Piaf...expression-wise. My favorite part of the three hour long lecture was that she explained we would be expected to not only look up and study paintings/sculptures from our home, but would need to go to the Louvre/D'Orsay a minimum of once a week- to study the real thing. This stuns me. Having resources like that, the actual work of art, less than 20 minutes from your school to go look at after a lesson. I'm thrilled for that class, to say the least. 

And today I had French language and French History. My language class is hilarious. There are only probably two other people there who speak English, so it's necessary to try to explain what you're trying to say using whatever vocabulary you can muster. It really is the best way to be immersed in a classroom. The professor reminds me of one of my favorites from back home, and I know I'm going to like her already. History on the other hand, may be a bit of a challenge. It was straight lecture for three hours, and I'm not great at history in English. So hopefully this doesn't end badly. 

The school I'm attending, the Institut Catholique de Paris, is gorgeous though. It's in the 6th arrondissement (a very historical area) and the grounds transport you back in time. 
Central garden
One of the many ICP buildings- notice the tower on the left. Probably my favorite thing.
The main colonnade/entrance 
Overall, this post is mostly just to brag about how pretty my campus is. Tomorrow I have French, and my other class was cancelled so I don't know yet what I'll be doing. Thursday I don't have class, which gives me plenty of time to explore. I think it'll be Père Lachaise Cemetary and the Montreuil Flea Market this week. Happy Birthday Pop!!!

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